Peter Heslin
School of Management & Governance - PhD | MPsyc, Applied | BA (Hons)
Dr. Peter Heslin is a Professor of Management, Academic Fellow at Warrane College, and Scientia Education Fellow at UNSW Sydney. He is a Registered Psychologist who was elected Chair of the Academy of Management Careers Division.
Peter pioneered research on growth mindsets in organisations and wrote the most cited ever sole-authored peer-reviewed article on career success. His paper with Lauren Keating and Sue Ashford on How Situational Cues and Mindset Dynamics Shape Personality Effects on Career Outcomes was Finalist for the Careers Division’s Award for Best Paper Published in 2019. Peter’s ongoing research on mindsets in careers, leadership development, and sustainability appears in leading scholarly and practitioner-oriented outlets (e.g., Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Personnel Psychology, and Harvard Business Review).
Peter has developed and published widely on the concept of being in learning mode. He leads the Micro Theory pre-doctoral course and teaches the Leadership course that launches AGSM students on their MBA(Executive) journey. A former consultant at KPMG Career Navigation, Peter won faculty and university-level awards for sustained teaching excellence. He is an innovative educator, consultant, researcher, and speaker who enjoys conducting research and delivering keynote addresses and workshops across Australia and around the world.
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