Wei Chen
School of Accounting, Audit and Taxation - BA, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, China | MA, Peking University National University of Singapore | PhD, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Wei joined UNSW Sydney in 2010 and is currently a Professor of Accounting at UNSW Sydney.
Wei has established an international reputation for producing high-quality and innovative research in the field of experimental financial accounting and auditing. Her publications have appeared in leading journals such as the Journal of Accounting Research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Accounting Research Journal, and Australian Journal of Management. She has received multiple Australian and International Research Grants and Fellowships, including the Australian Research Council DECRA Fellowship.
Wei is also an enthusiastic educator. She is keen to develop both generic and disciplinary skills throughout the student’s learning process to enhance their employability and benefit their careers in the long term. Her teaching innovations enhance students’ capability to practice accounting knowledge and see the relevance of financial reporting to investors and corporate managers. As a recognition, Wei and her team were awarded the John Prescott Award for Outstanding Teaching Innovation by UNSW Business School and shared their experience in education innovations at the Inter-Faculty UNSW Education Festival in 2022.
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